Nishkam Primary School

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Free School
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years

About Nishkam Primary School

Nishkam Primary School is a co-educational Sikh free school in Birmingham for children aged 4 to 11. The school offers the full range of National Curriculum subjects along with faith and language studies.

Interim Headteacher

Gurpreet Kaur

Values and vision

Nishkam Primary School prides itself on having a Sikh ethos but being inclusive to all faiths. It aims to build success on a strong partnership between passionate staff, committed learners and dedicated parents. The school believes that its faith-inspired values define the character of its education and should be intrinsic to a positive outlook for students.

Teachers aim to promote faith-inspired humility and a selfless approach to life. The school says its aspirations for academic excellence are underpinned, in particular, by the practice of the values of humility, service, compassion, self-discipline, forgiveness, love and creativity.

Ofsted report

“Children get off to an excellent start in the extremely effective Reception classes, and are prepared exceptionally well for their move into Year 1. All groups of pupils at all ages make rapid progress. They achieve high standards in relation to their different starting points. Class teachers and associate teachers (extra adult support in class) aim high and always want pupils to do their very best. They provide teaching of excellent quality, and set demanding work that stimulates pupils and moves them on quickly in their learning."

View Nishkam Primary School's latest Ofsted report 

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Address: 3-7 Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 9SN, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 121 647 6890
Positions available at Nishkam Primary School