St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Location: Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 18 years

About St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy is a mainstream, co-educational secondary school situated in Lincoln, for pupils aged 11-18. It has 550 children on its roll. 

Founded in 1953, the school was the vision of Monsignor Atkinson, who wanted to provide a Catholic secondary education for the children in the parishes of Lincoln. St Peter and St Paul is now an academy with Catholicism at the heart of its identity. The school endeavours to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and its teachings.

Our school is part of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust which brings together the 36 Catholic Primary and Secondary schools in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. Our priority is to ensure the very best Catholic Education for all young people in our community, whatever their circumstances. We will achieve this together, through a strategic approach to sharing best practice, effective challenge and support from a central standards and performance team and opportunities for high quality Continuing Professional Development offered by the CMAT’s teaching school, The Nottingham Initial Teacher Training Hub.

Values and vision

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy has an ethos that focuses on the uniqueness of the individual, the search for excellence, education of the whole person and moral principles. Christ is the foundation of everything it does, and the Gospels provide the secondary school with its influence and inspiration.

Ofsted report

“The headteacher has accurately identified areas for development and has begun to address them. Standards in most subjects are on track to improve in 2017. Students achieve well in Spanish. Students’ behaviour is good. They are polite, friendly and work together very well. The relationships between students and teachers are very positive. Students feel safe in the academy. Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good. Attendance has improved recently and is now average. The sixth form is good. Students make better progress than those in the main school because they are consistently well taught in a range of courses which are well matched to their abilities and interests. Many go on to gain places at top universities.”

View St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary Academy’s latest Ofsted report


Address: Western Avenue, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 7SX, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1522 871400