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NPQML Final Assessment 2018/19

NPQML Final Assessment 2018/19

This is my final project write-up for my NPQML scoring 30/32 (passmark 22). My project focused on raising attainment in writing in my school, specifically focusing on outcomes in KS2. This would be ideal for anyone who needs a tried-and-tested NPQML final assessment example. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! UPDATED TO INCLUDE APPENDICES Risk Register Budget Plan Project Plan Staff Skills Audit Curriculum Review Audit
NPQSL Final Assessment 2022

NPQSL Final Assessment 2022

This is my final project write-up for my NPQSL scoring full marks. My project focused on improving vocabulary instruction as part of a broader strategy to raise attainment in reading. This would be ideal for anyone who needs a tried-and-tested NPQSL final assessment example. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! APPENDICES INCLUDED Risk Management Plan Budget Plan Project Plan Staff Skills Audit Business Case Anonymised Data