Chenderit School
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
About Chenderit School
Chenderit School is a mixed, comprehensive, non-denominational secondary school with sixth form situated in Middleton Cheney, near Banbury in Oxfordshire. It is an academy converter supported by a single-academy trust called the Chenderit School Academy Trust.
A larger than average secondary school, Chenderit provides 1,178 places for students aged 11-18 when fully subscribed.
The school converted to academy status in February 2012.
Jane Cartwright
Values and vision
Chenderit School’s motto is “aim high, work hard, be nice”, which represents the respectful nature it encourages in its students as well as its high academic expectations. It inspires children to engage in learning in the widest possible sense, to help them develop a wide range of skills. This outward-looking school sees itself as part of a wider community and encourages partnerships with parents and carers.
The secondary school respects its students for their individual talents, and encourages them to grow into resilient and resourceful learners. It has a particular focus on visual arts and has its own purpose-built gallery, which opened in 2003.
Ofsted report
“All leaders and managers, including governors, have a good understanding of the academy’s strengths and areas for improvement. They are using this continuously and effectively to improve teaching and achievement. Almost all groups of students, including disabled students and those who have special educational needs, make good progress in all year groups and across most subjects. The main reason why students make good progress is because they benefit from teaching which is usually good and sometimes outstanding.”