King Edward VI School

Suffolk, United Kingdom

Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Voluntary Controlled
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

About King Edward VI School

King Edward VI School is a proudly comprehensive secondary school, founded in 1550, in the market town of Bury St Edmunds in the County of Suffolk.

Roll as at January 2024: 1198

At King Edward VI School we believe that all students are entitled to educational provision which enables them to develop their full potential and to work at the highest level in line with their ability and interest. We believe this should take place across all areas of academic achievement but should also be part of their personal and social development. Our Core Values are Curiosity, Care, Courage and Creativity. We place strong emphasis on the highest standards of behaviour and courtesy. We enjoy working with young people and preparing them to take their place as global citizens of the twenty-first century. We are proudly part of a local partnership which provides high quality education for children from 3-18 years, working closely with many local primary schools as well as Abbeygate Sixth Form and West Suffolk College.

We also have a stunning staff team here with a strong commitment to high quality teaching and learning, backed by high quality support for students, governors and parents. We have a belief that a good school is about developing the whole person, within and beyond the classroom.

In our most recent Ofsted inspection (March 2019), the school was graded as ‘good - Staff are adventurous in their choice of activities and allow pupils to take control of their learning. Pupils behave very well. They are polite, listen to their teachers, move from lesson to lesson quickly and quietly and work hard.’  A broad curriculum and extensive enrichment programme prepare students well for the next stage of their lives.’ Our most recent exam results show that the school continues to make good progress.

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Address: Grove Road, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3BH, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1284 761393
Positions available at King Edward VI School