Lincoln UTC

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Location: Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary with sixth form
Funding status: State - University Technical College (UTC)
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 14 - 18 years

About Lincoln UTC

We are not selective, but we are not for everyone. Our challenging technical, practical  and academic curriculum is not an easy option. We have a very mature, calm and  purposeful learning environment, and require students to be fully committed to our  approach.

The UTC prepares students for a seamless transition into the workplace and for this  reason we operate a longer working day than most schools. Our hours begin at 8.45am  and finish at 4.15pm, with a 20 minute morning break and a 30 minute lunch. All  required work is completed within this time frame therefore we do not issue formal  homework.

We do not have a uniform but expect our students to dress accordingly in business  attire. We also do not operate a bell. Students are expected to effectively manage  themselves, as they would at university or in employment, and arrive at lessons on time  and ready to learn. 

Our behaviour policy is consistent and has clear boundaries, therefore disruption is rare  and students treat our business environment with the respect it deserves. 

We have fewer students and smaller class sizes than most ‘ordinary’ schools, and for  this reason lessons are less chaotic. Teachers have time to help everyone individually,  which leads to the development of positive and supportive relationships between the  students and the staff. 

Attendance is in excess of 97% for all year groups, which is exceptionally strong.  Students are happy and proud to be part of our community. They enjoy coming to the  UTC and want to attend regularly.

Our vision is to ensure that every  student develops the skills required to  secure the next step of their chosen  career, either at university or in  employment. In order to achieve this, we place an  explicit focus on skill development  and the acquisition of the traits of the  ideal learner. It pervades all that we  do and the ways in which students  are encouraged to learn.

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Address: Lindum Road, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN2 1PF, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1522 775990
Positions available at Lincoln UTC