The Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Multi-Academy Trust (SDBE MAT)

Southwark, United Kingdom

Location: Southwark, United Kingdom

About The Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Multi-Academy Trust (SDBE MAT)


From its inner-city energy to the  beauty of the Surrey Hills, the  Southwark Diocese is a diverse  and vibrant landscape in so many  wonderful ways.

We are one of the largest Dioceses  in the Church of England, serving  the people of South London and  East Surrey. Across our Diocese  there are 105 schools spread across 12 Local Authorities. Each of them is  supported by the Southwark Diocesan  Board of Education, as well as their  own local authority. 

OUR BEGINNING  Most of these schools are in a very  strong position, but back in 2016  we realised that the educational  landscape was changing quickly,  and we worried that some of our  schools may become isolated.  Mindful of the government’s push  towards academies and how local  authority support was diminishing, the Southwark Diocese created  the Southwark Diocesan Board of  Education Multi-Academy Trust  (SDBE MAT).

We believed that by forming a Trust  and offering the opportunity for our  schools to join, we were creating  more security for our church schools  by providing stability and giving  the chance for greater relations and  knowledge-sharing, not just within  regions, but across the Diocese,  ultimately improving the educational  experience for our children.

TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER  We recognise that each school  is unique and celebrate their distinctiveness by protecting their  autonomy and identity. It really is  what makes our Trust so special. This  way we ensure our schools continue  to serve their communities and our  children in a way that’s right for them. Since day one we have seen success.  Our educational and financial  performance is strong, and we are  growing at a steady and measured  pace. We are proud to have  incredible schools with incredible  leaders, and we all walk together  in the pursuit of excellence.

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Address: 48 Union Street, London, SE1 1TD, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 207 234 9201