Internal Vacancy - Curriculum Leader of Geography
Manchester Enterprise Academy
- Expired
- Job type:
- Full Time, Permanent
- Start date:
- February half term
- Apply by:
- 26 January 2025
Job overview
We are seeking applications for the post of Curriculum Leader of Geography to lead our fantastic curriculum team at Manchester Enterprise Academy (MEA)
This is a permanent, full time role starting in February half term. The role attracts a TLR2.3, with a current value of £8,279.
This vacancy is open to existing staff within MEA only.
We’re looking for:
We are looking for a suitably qualified candidate who can consistently deliver outstanding lessons. The ideal candidate will have thorough subject knowledge and understanding of current curriculum developments, good communication skills, and be able to plan and and develop appropriate learning activities.
Main purpose of the job:
This is a middle management post. In addition to those professional responsibilities which are common to all classroom teachers in the school, the post holder’s key responsibilities will be for supporting the Curriculum Leader in raising the standards of teaching, learning and student achievement in the subject area for all students.
- To ensure that students experience an educational programme that is personalised to their particular needs, as identified through a robust assessment system
- To take a lead role in the development of effective teaching and learning strategies in the curriculum area in line with school and national policy
- To lead strategic work on interventions to raise student achievement and attainment across the curriculum area, evaluating the impact of such activity on the quality of teaching and learning
- To monitor planning, curriculum coverage and learning outcomes for the curriculum area
- To develop a positive working environment in the curriculum area that supports students’ learning
- To ensure positive behaviour for learning for all students in line with the school’s behaviour management policy
- To ensure that appropriate targets exist for individual students, in the curriculum area, for each of the school’s five-year groups and to monitor, review student progress and take appropriate action as necessary
- To ensure all curriculum staff comply with the school’s assessment, recording and reporting procedures
All school staff are expected to share the Trust’s commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Specific safeguarding responsibilities are detailed in the attached job description.
Attached documents
About Manchester Enterprise Academy
- Manchester Enterprise Academy
- Simonsway, Wythenshawe, Manchester
- Greater Manchester
- M22 9RH
- United Kingdom
Manchester Enterprise Academy (MEA) opened in 2009 and is proud to be part of the Prospere Learning Trust.
Our campus now has two teaching buildings, which incorporate a Theatre, Art, Fashion and Dance studios and new Science laboratories. There is also a new £1million multi-sport facility which includes a full-size 3G rugby and football pitch and other redeveloped sports facilities. We also have a new cafe and dining facilities, two Food Technology rooms and recently refurbished ICT, Business and Modern Foreign Language classrooms.
In order to deliver our vision of a fantastic future for all our students, it is important that they achieve the best academic results possible. Our vision of a “Fantastic Future for All Our Students” is easy to understand, but complex to achieve, as the future evolves so rapidly around us. Students have to adapt in order to build themselves a secure and resilient future. We focus relentlessly on the MEA Way, of Safe, Respectful and Ready. The business partners who lead the Trust help us to complement academic achievement with the other skills that employers demand of their staff. Enterprising, entrepreneurial and networking skills, team working, presenting information and project management are all part of our Fantastic Futures curriculum and, allied to our Pastoral Pledges and aligned to our outstanding Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) provision.
We work incredibly hard to attract the best teachers and our teacher training provision is graded outstanding by Manchester University. We believe that our teachers’ expertise needs to inspire our students by allowing them to shape and craft exciting learning experiences. Our teaching model emphasises excellent classroom dynamics between staff and students. Exams are a serious business, learning is an emotional journey – students who enjoy learning perform far better than those who are uninspired.
MEA has been graded as 'Good' by Ofsted following the 2021 inspection,
'Staff have high expectations for all pupils.'
'Teachers know their subjects well' and pupils 'are keen to learn' and 'behave well in lessons.'
‘Pupils from all backgrounds are well supported to gain the resilience and knowledge that they need for a positive future.’ Ofsted 2021
Prospere Learning Trust
Manchester Enterprise Academy is part of the Prospere Learning Trust, which believes in working collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes and life chances for students. The Trust currently comprises of 9 schools, including 4 mainstream high schools and 5 special needs schools (both primary and secondary) with further schools anticipated across Greater Manchester. Find out more about Prospere Learning Trust in the candidate brochure.
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