1000 years of education;1977-1987;Chronology;Millennium edition

31st December 1999, 12:00am
1977 HMI criticises teaching of maths, science and languages; calls for political education for all 11- to 16-year-olds.

Sue Slipman first woman NUS president.

Head and teachers of William Tyndale junior school, Islington, sacked after Auld inquiry.

Taylor Report on school government calls for separate bodies for each school; equal representation of parents, teachers, community and LEA; elected parent and pupil governors and training for governors.

A quarter of schools have outside toilets.

The Munn and Dunning reports lead to a common framework of courses and certification for all Scottish 14- to 16-year-olds 1978 HMI 11 to 16 curriculum proposals (The Red Book) favour a common core.

Warnock Report on children with special educational needs.

Eleven-year-old Theresa Bennett sues Football Association in bid to play for school team in Newark.

Youth Opportunities scheme launched.

Aldo Moro kidnapped and murdered. Trevor Phillips first black NUS president.

1979 Winter of Discontent: many schools closed by striking ancillary workers.

Rutter report, “15,000 Hours”, says schools do make a difference.

Cuts: pound;280 million off education, 80 per cent to come from milk, meals, transport.

1980 Educa- tion Act: assisted places at independent schools introduced.

BBC TV series on Radley College.

Rioting in Bristol. Dorset first county to axe primary meals.

AMMA insures members against classroom assault.

Anti-corporal punishment group STOPP attacks Beano for its preoccupation with caning.

John Lennon (right) shot and killed.

1981 Govern- ment launches programme to put a computer in every school.

Brixton riots in April: Liverpool teachers say their city is next. Liverpool riots in July.

Rampton report blames teachers for ethnic under-achievement: calls for more black teachers.

1982 Educa- tion Secretary Sir Keith Joseph calls for “ineffective” teachers to be sacked.

Scottish mother wins anti-tawse ruling in European Court.

Teacher told by English judge she must expect to be assaulted 6 or 7 times.

Poet Adrian Mitchell forbids use of his work for examinations.

Bradford provides halal meat in school meals.

1983 Secon- dary Examinations Council and School Curriculum Development Committee replace Schools Council.

HMI reports on institutions published.

Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) introduces specialised technical and vocational education for 14-18s.

Youth Training Scheme (YTS) provides a year’s foundation training for all unoccupied 16- and 17-year-old school-leavers.

1984 Miners’ strike begins.

Tizard and Hughes research challenges value of nursery schools.

Bomb at Conservative conference.

Race row in Bradford over views of headmaster Ray Honeyford.

1985 Miners’ strike ends after 51 weeks.

Schools disrupted by teachers’ pay dispute.

Football fans killed in Bradford FC fire and UEFA Cup riots in Brussels.

Ethiopia famine; Live Aid concert -largest ever world-wide TV audience.

1986 Educa- tion (No 2) Act: deals with power of governing bodies, freedom of speech, sex education.

Maureen McGoldrick, Brent infants school head, suspended for alleged racist remarks.

Teachers’ pay dispute. Government announces end of Burnham negotiating committee.

1987 The Teacher Pay and Conditions Act: marks the ending of the Burnham Committee and the designation of 1,265 minimum hours per year for teachers.

Dewsbury parents educate children in pub rather than send them to “predominantly Asian” school.