5 famous teachers you think you are, but you’re not

Everybody recognises elements of that inspirational educator on screen in their own teaching style. If only your pupils saw it, too...
28th July 2018, 4:03pm

Every teacher has done it: looked at a fictional representation of the profession on screen and thought quietly to themselves, “That’s me, that is.” But what we perceive isn’t necessarily what others see. Here are five teachers you might have compared yourself with - and the likely reactions of your unsuspecting students:

  1. Mr Keating - Dead Poets Society
    You think: I’m a maverick renegade who only has to answer to my two muses of creativity and inspiration. If I ever run into trouble with SLT, my students will defend me in a heartbeat.
    Your students think: Why are we stood on our desks again?

  2. Miss Honey - Matilda
    You think: My gentle nature and visible love for learning have earned me the respect of my students, who recognise that I am trying my hardest to care for them in a system designed to spite them.
    Your students think: Pushover. Will buy her a bunch of flowers at the end of the year, though.

  3. Ms Frizzle - The Magic School Bus
    You think: Every lesson is a WOW lesson. In years to come, my classes will still turn to each other and say, “Do you remember that Monday when…”
    Your students think: Oh no, she’s got her bloody guitar out again…

  4. Sister Mary Clarence - Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit
    You think: I am hip. I am with it. I am down with the kids and my gritty realism will eventually break through their tough façade so that I can go on to win that choir championship.
    Your students think: Try-hard. Anyway, who is this Destiny’s Child she keeps referencing and what does it mean if something’s “totally rad”?

  5. Mr Gilbert - The Inbetweeners
    You think: I know what teenagers are like. I am always one step ahead and I’ve got a quip for every occasion.
    Your students think: Easy. Keep them sweet by laughing at their jokes and avoid obvious places to misbehave.