Aberdeen graffiti

13th January 2006, 12:00am
We can’t leave Aberdeen - although Stodter had no such difficulty - without a mention of its integrated children’s services plan for 2005-08. This document was always bound to capture the imagination.

A fetching cover, featuring two kids clutching a skateboard, bears the legend “for aberdeens children”. Some of the older hands in the city have drawn our attention to the use of the lower case and the lack of an apostrophe. “Have standards fell?” one asks.

They look even more aghast when, out of curiosity no doubt, they invite us to turn the booklet upside down to witness what appears to be a robust command adorning the underside of the skateboard : “F*** off w***kers.”

It is not immediately clear if this is a message to the authors of the document or the readers. Surely the city’s departing director had no hand in it?