All together now

27th May 2005, 1:00am
A strange event took place in the Scottish Parliament the other week: politicians fell over themselves to agree about something. The unlikely candidate was the Executive’s blueprint for school-college partnerships.

It was a “very good” document, according to the SNP’s Fiona Hyslop. “This will benefit young people immensely,” Lord James Douglas-Hamilton said on behalf of the Tories.

Perhaps the approbation had something to do with the fact that all the political parties claimed they had thought of the proposals first. “I welcome the implementation of yet another Liberal Democrat policy,” said the party’s Robert Brown, who chairs the parliamentary education committee.

We salute Lord James, however, who managed to get an ingenious plug in for his party’s new (and sole) Westminster MP. He did so by commending Dumfries and Galloway College, “which is an example of good practice in the heart of David Mundell’s constituency”. Bravo.