Another quality act;Scottish books amp; resources

30th January 1998, 12:00am
HIGHER GRADE HUMAN BIOLOGY: MULTIPLE CHOICE AND MATCHING. By James Torrance et al Hodder and Stoughton pound;8.99

This is the latest of experienced author James Torrance’s excellent textbooks which have helped students achieve success in examinations for many years. Higher Grade Human Biology: Multiple Choice and Matching complements Higher Grade Human Biology, which is used by an ever increasing number of schools because of its adherence to the SCE syllabus.

Good multiple choice questions are very difficult to obtain, since the Scottish Examination Board did not release the questions used in their Higher biology exams on an annual basis. They are also very difficult to construct, yet James Torrance and his team have produced over 700 quality questions of various types, organised into 40 chapters corresponding to the syllabus sub-topics. The items in each chapter test knowledge and understanding, and problem solving skills, and the clarity and variety of graphical information is excellent. An added bonus for students is the inclusion of two specimen papers which will provide vital examination preparation. The bonus for teachers is a free set of answers - a great time-saver!

Matching exercises are a new addition to Torrance’s books which will prove both enjoyable and useful. The key words used in each topic have been selected and the aim is to match each word with its meaning from the list of descriptions given. When completed these exercises will provide students with a glossary of over 400 words which will help them develop a better understanding of the course content. Completion of the exercises will also provide revision prior to the greater challenge of the multiple choice questions. With only minor changes envisaged for the Higher Still Higher biology courses, this book should be top of the shopping list for all departments offering Higher Grade human biology.

Bernadette Jones is principal teacher of biology at Dumfries Academy, Dumfries and Galloway.