Art design - ‘Tis the season

24th October 2008, 1:00am

The Prince of Wales’s Rainforests Project has invited nursery and primary school-aged children to design a Christmas card to launch an educational programme on the world’s tropical rainforests.

The competition will challenge the imagination and creativity of young children. It is one of a series of national curriculum-linked lessons which can be downloaded for free from The Prince’s Rainforests Project’s schools website, launched earlier this month.

The project will select and send out the winning entry in e-card form as the official card for Christmas 2008. The winning school will receive 200 printed cards of their design. All the entries submitted will be displayed in the gallery on the website for people to e-mail to their friends.

The new schools site is supporting the work of The Prince’s Rainforests Project which aims to increase global recognition of the contribution of tropical deforestation to climate change, and to find ways to make the rainforests worth more alive than dead.

The site is aimed at children aged between three and 11 and is linked to the curriculum. As they move through the course, the children graduate from rain-forest apprentices to explorers, rangers and finally rainforest guardians as their knowledge and involvement grows.

Entries must be in by November 26.
