Awaiting apology

28th April 2000, 1:00am
I WAS horrified by Chris Woodhead’s totally inadequate response to the suicide of Pamela Relf.

I listened with incredulity and growing anger to the chief inspector’s interview on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme as he expressed his sorrow that Miss Relf had been “unable to accept what the inspectors said to her”.

The attitude implied by this amazingly arrogant statement leaves me quite stunned. What kind of a lead is this bastion of the establishment trying to give to the rest of us?

It has been obvious for years tat he has lost touch with the teaching profession, has he now lost contact with simple humanity too?

As a teacher, I would like to apologise to the friends and family of Miss Relf for the lack of support I have given my colleagues at times. We are not as good at recognising problems in our fellow teachers as we should.

How about it, Mr Woodhead? Are you able to apologise for your part in this sad and unnecessary affair?

MS Holloway

5 Rosewood Gardens


