Banda aid?

31st May 2002, 1:00am
Last week, we had a brief item about a resurgence in popularity of hand-cranked, ethanol-fuelled Banda copying machines. It seems we gravely underestimated the importance of this discovery. Chat on the TES website suggests they may be a key weapon in the battle against bad behaviour.

One correspondent writes: “The good thing was the kids used to sniff the new Banda copies ... and slump quietly to the desk. Perhaps the demise of the Banda has been responsible for the collapse of discipline. Should we re-introduce ... Banda, in much the same way the CIA are alleged to have introduced drugs to LA, in order to quieten the masses?” Another says:

“With new technologies come new expectations. New expectations mean more work. I suspect that a return to the Banda philosophy would be a return to a more human, less intense, more balanced and happier life for teachers.”

Free the Banda!