Beyond first impressions

14th January 2011, 12:00am

I was disappointed your correspondent could not find time to read beyond the first page of the Skills Funding Agency’s considered submission to the Wolf review (“FE’s `second rate’ image laid at door of meddling ministers”, December 24).

Professor Alison Wolf asked contributors to identify the two or three most important problems with current arrangements. In this context it is unremarkable that the SFA’s contribution set out the weaknesses the sector has inherited.

Your editorial was surprised we had offered a submission. It is only right that the Skills Funding Agency - the independent funding and regulating body for adult FE - should offer the benefit of its deep experience and understanding to this review.

I do hope that when the Wolf review is published, FE Focus will be able to facilitate a full debate on an issue that is critical to the sector.

Geoff Russell, Chief executive, Skills Funding Agency.