On the board

15th November 2002, 12:00am
Kay Williams, 77, has just retired after being a local education authority governor for 30 years at Nottingham’s Bosworth primary school. She has four children, five grandchildren and a great grandson.

What made you want to be a governor?

I was approached by a local councillor who thought I might be suitable and who then put my name forward.

Did the experience fulfil your expectations?

Yes, but I didn’t have much idea about what it entailed when I started.

What diddidn’t you like?

There’s nothing I didn’t like about the role. I found it very fulfilling to be able to discuss the running of the school with good companions and a fantastic head.

Did the experience changed you?

No, I am still the same person as when I started.

What was the biggest, best or worst change you saw during your time as a governor?

Change always brings different opinions: some teachers like things, others do not. But I think the best change was the national curriculum which sorted everything out a bit.

The thing that annoyed me more than anything else, the worse thing they ever did, was to stop the disciplining of children. I don’t mean corporal punishment, but measures to stop the lack of respect towards teachers.

What did your family think of your commitment?

They thought it was marvellous. They took a great interest in it and I think they are quite proud.

Where did governing fit into your life?

I found the meetings quite well spread out in the term, bar one or two emergencies. As a member of the pupil and personnel panel, I was always on hand if interviews were needed. I think I was present on nearly every interviewing panel we had.

If you could wave a wand, what would you wish for the school?

That’s simple. More money for more teachers.

And who or what would you make disappear?

I don’t think there is anyone. But sometimes there have been horrible little children which made you think about it!

Who would be your ideal fantasy governor?

Margaret Thatcher. She knew what she was talking about.