
22nd December 2000, 12:00am
* AGE 6-8: Monster

Harun bought a monster using only silver coins.

It cost him 50p.

There are 13 different ways to pay 50p using silver coins. Find as many as you can.

* AGE 8-10 Two, four, six, eight

You need four cards like this: 2 4 6 8 Place them to make these arrangements.

Each time, make your answer as large as possible.


* Solution: Monster

50p can be made in 13 different ways using only siler coins:

(1 x 50p);

(2 x 20p) + (1 x 10p);

(2 x 20p) + (2 x 5p);

(1 x 20p) + (3 x 10p);

(1 x 20p) + (2 x 10p) + (2 x 5p);

(1 x 20p) + (1 x 10p) + (4 x 5p);

* Solution: Two, four, six, eight

a. 86 - 24 = 62

b. 8642 = 432

c. 82 x 64 = 5248

(1 x 20p) + (6 x 5p);

(5 x 10p);

(4 x 10p) + (2 x 5p);

(3 x 10p) + (4 x 5p);

(2 x 10p) + (6 x 5p);

(1 x 10p) + (8 x 5p);

(10 x 5p).