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17th November 2006, 12:00am
Win a sat-nav system worth pound;499 The Map Detectives: Urban Mystery (for Key Stage 2 and 3 P3-7, S1 and 2) and Barnaby Bear Tours The UK (Key Stage 1 P1 and 2) are geography CD-ROMs giving pupils the skills they need to find their way around the country. To ensure one teacher never gets lost, CD-ROM publishers Sherston is giving away a TomTom GO 910 (worth pound;499) - a navigation system for the car with a 4-inch widescreen, bluetooth, built-in MP3 player, iPod connectivity, text-to-speech and audio-book playback. Write (postcards only) to Treats, TES Magazine, Admiral House, 66-68 East Smithfield, London E1W 1BX, marking your entry “Sat Nav”. The first entry picked out is the winner. By sending us your name and address, you agree to The TES sending you this prize. The TES will not use your personal details for any other future communications. The closing date for entries is November 30.


Rugby World Cup The biggest fixture in next year’s rugby calendar, and accommodation will be at a premium. So if you’ve got tickets for the Wales v Canada, England v Samoa or Wales v Fiji games being played in Nantes, France, next September, you’ll probably be looking for somewhere to stay.

How about a rural retreat in the Vioreau forest, half an hour from Nantes stadium? The 250-year-old cottage, which is called