The case for psychologists is a powerful one

5th November 2010, 12:00am

Educational psychologists are very concerned with the mental health of children and young people (“Psychologists say training freeze puts service at risk”, October 29).

Children with learning difficulties have low self-esteem, which may lead to depression in adult life. Educational psychologists are not gatekeepers. They are trained, qualified and independent assessors of children who advise schools and local authorities of a child’s needs and the appropriateness of provision to address the needs.

I worked in a mainstream secondary school, which was attempting to integrate an educationally blind child, and had to advise the school on the child’s needs for mobility training, which, at the time, was not a school consideration as it was not, and is not, part of the national curriculum in mainstream schools.

The case for educational psychologists being involved with children, their parents or carers, teachers in schools, and other medical and welfare agencies is powerful. And it is important that this contribution is recognised by the Government in financially supporting and securing their future training and supply.

George Crowther, Consultant educational psychologist, Reigate.