Cash to keep the ideas flowing

13th November 1998, 12:00am
Barclays New Futures is the UK’s largest education sponsorship scheme. For the fifth year running it is offering Pounds 1 million to schools to give young people the chance to tackle local community issues.

Since the scheme began in 1995, some 40,000 young people in more than 700 schools have been given resources to put their ideas into action.

Examples of projects include community newspapers, theatre in the community and projects addressing social issues such as homelessness, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse.

Winning schools receive cash awards of Pounds 3,000 or Pounds 7,000 as well as practical guidance, professional support, teachers’ materials and resource packs.

Projects can be tailored to work across the curriculum, contributing not just to the personal development of the students but also to their assessed course work.

Over the past four years 26 Scottish schools have won awards.

Run in partnership with CSV (Community Service Volunteers), the scheme aims to give students an opportunity to develop skills for life, work and citizenship while working on projects that meet real community needs.

Any secondary school in Scotland can apply for an award. All projects must have at least one community partner. Partners may include a primary school, although it cannot submit the application.

Projects are selected on the criteria of student learning and personal development, student involvement, impact on the community, sustainability of the project and replication (ie that it is likely to inspire other schools to develop fresh ideas of their own).

Each autumn term application forms are mailed to more than 6,900 secondary schools, special schools and sixth-form colleges in England, Wales and Scotland.

Completed applications for next year’s awards must be returned to the above address by December 14, 1998. Judging takes place between February and April with the awards being announced in early May 1999.

The new projects, which will be supported for two years, will start from AugustSeptember 1999.

Application forms are also available from Barclays New Futures, Kallaway Ltd, 2 Portland Road, Holland Park, London W11 4LA. Tel. 0171 221 7883.