Catering for students

20th October 1995, 1:00am
This book, Hospitality and Catering GNVQ advanced, is well laid out with clear sections which correspond to the mandatory units laid down by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications.

Each section has a variety of student-centred exercises which can be developed within the formal classroom or used for future study by students in their own time.

The language used is student-friendly, definitions are highlighted and well defined and the sections are clearly illustrated. Some of the information, however, is rather brief.

The statistical information within the Investigate the Hospitality and Catering Industry unit is out of date. Considering the book was only published this year, it is surprising that the most recent statistics given are for 1992.

Only some sections have assessment exercise. For example within the hospitality and catering unit there is an assignment with reference to the core skills covered but in the unit on Accommodation Operations there is nothing. Finally the development of computerisation within the industry should have been looked at in all the units in more depth. Clare Lynn Hospitality and Catering GNVQ Advanced. Butterworth and Heinemann. Pounds 14.99. - 0 7506 1943 0.