Celebrity supporters

15th March 2002, 12:00am
Margaret Gibney, UNICEF Young Ambassador for Peace, backs the Afghan campaign saying that education is the only way forward. Margaret, who was also Northern Ireland’s Peace Person of the Year last year, said: “I grew up in the Shankill Road in west Belfast, an inner-city area that has been central in the conflict that has divided the people of Northern Ireland for so long. For me, access to education is the only way that I can improve my situation and, in the future, provide my children with a happy childhood, away from the sectarianism and conflict. This is why I support the TESUNICEF campaign: it allows those of us benefiting from education to offer the same chance and hope, to Afghan children.”

Andrew O’Hagan, novelist, said: “Having spent time in Africa and with refugees and innocent victims of war in many places, I would say that education provides the first and the brightest ray of hope in the effort to turn around the devastated lives of children.

“Education is the strongest currency, and this is something UNICEF UK has known from the beginning, and which the TES, in its wisdom and in its excellence, knows to be the greatest human response to ignorance and conflict.”