Charter to be ripped off

28th May 2004, 1:00am
Universities are creaming off cash from would-be chartered teachers, a succession of delegates said.

Ian McCubbin, Perth and Kinross, told delegates: “None of the courses have any relevance to learning and teaching. They are all done by universities for universities for people in them. That’s the reason why several colleagues of mine started and gave up.”

A charge of pound;625 per module was also putting off teachers.

Sylvia Munro, Aberdeen, said that her chartered teacher courses were “one of the most miserable experiences of my life”. The new qualification was a money-spinner for universities and a sham.

John Milgrew, Glasgow, said: “It is supposed to reward good classroom practice. What it does reward is universities which charge for courses.”

Sandie Reed, Edinburgh, reckoned she would have to work until she was 86 to see a financial return. “It’s airy-fairy nonsense that’s got nothing to do with the way you do your job.”

Ann Attridge, Highland, who completed the first module, said: “It’s an insult to our experience and intelligence and is severely damaging to our bank balances.”