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12th October 2012, 1:00am

GTCS: new standard for registration

cochrane1964: Have you responded? You are sleepwalking into an absolute nightmare where fewer promoted posts will be required because each teacher will be their own autonomous PT responsible for all their own development work and SQA standard assessment, with a threat of removal if your face doesn’t fit. Get angry.

Dominie: Good call. Here’s the link.

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid and send a response.

Here are some snippets from the Standard for Career Long Professional Learning. Teachers will no longer merely be teachers. They will become: adaptive experts; knowledge creators; curriculum developers; practitioner enquirers; critical thinkers ... Teachers are expected to develop and apply their knowledge, skills and expertise through enquiry and sustained professional learning ... systematically investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of practice ... critically engage with a range of educational literature ... work collaboratively across disciplines, professions and communities, locally and globally. That last one is a beauty, n’est-ce pas? Can you imagine how bullying HTs will make use of this drivel if it goes through?

babette: It’s the four capacities for teachers, only there’s seven. It smells of the authors of CfE.

cobalt54: As with most taxonomies it’s the semi-literacy which catches the eye, as much as the procrustean logic. Any teacher who collaborates with the present orthodoxy has nothing to fear.