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23rd March 2012, 12:00am

Holyrood programme

segbog: These folk seem to live their life through their work . strikes me as kind of sad really. Or are they just playing to the cameras?

CheesyWotsits: What you do defines you. If you enjoy doing your job, then it’s no less sad than working 9 to 5 and going to Zumba in the evening. Everyone’s different. They’re probably happy.

MCDAID: I thought that the teachers shown were caring and compassionate. I’d imagine that many parents have found the programme reassuring.

Harryhausen: I see the OP’s point in that talking-the-talkism ruled the roost in what we saw. Hypocrisy was everywhere too. “Liam should not be singled out due to his Asperger’s” but the TV crew realise his rants and idiosyncrasies are TV gold and single him out for pursuit. The dynastic blonde teacher had the Kenny-Dalglish-alike head wrapped around her finger and has apparently been well schooled in how to scale the career ladder deftly.

Jags: I knew I could rely on someone to start this thread! I am still laughing at the staged performance of the busy depute and aspiring depute. I try not to be cynical but can’t help it.

morriseyritual: The programme demonstrated from the start “Us and Them” gulf between the class teacher and the SMTpastoral care or guidance staff. Nothing short of favouritism and nepotism was on display.

vforvendetta: Did we actually see any teaching going on?