Classroom display

16th June 2000, 1:00am
Part of life in the primary school, classroom displays are less common in secondary schools. Secondary teacher Jim Ravenhill thinks this is a mistake. Here are some of his tips.

* If you teach in more than one room, negotiate wall space for your work.

* Use displays as an opportunity for pupils to show off their skills in ICT, graphics and art, but mix in hand-written and hand-drawn work.

* Encourage older pupils by telling them that it’s good for younger ones to see their work.

* Involve pupils in planning displays. Provide newspapers nd magazines that can be explored for articles and photographs.

* Put pupils’ photographs with their displayed work.

* Displays can help reinforce learning by illustrating new concepts and listing key words.

* Build up a store of useful materials - coloured paper, fabrics, writing and drawing equipment.

* If your display is damaged, repair it immediately. Consider using a perspex screen.

* Get the caretaker to paint your display boards.

* Change displays regularly to maintain interest.

Next week: lost clothing