College, your number’s up

You may remember the small motoring accident I nearly had in north London after being distracted by a rogue apostrophe on a shop sign
27th June 2008, 1:00am

You may remember the small motoring accident I nearly had in north London after being distracted by a rogue apostrophe on a shop sign.

Sad to say, the latest horror comes courtesy not of a shop but an FE college. A loyal reader was kind enough to remember my obsession when his mum came home fuming, having taken a picture of a huge college poster displaying one of the most common rogue apostrophe crimes of all - the misuse of the punctuation mark at the end of a number.

Not the sort of thing you expect from the part of the education system leading the battle against adult illiteracy, surely.

We know who you are and my mate’s mum will be round to make sure you have nipped out to take it down.

In the meantime, we have cropped the college’s name from the picture to save your blushes. We’ll just say the institution is further north than north London.