Conferences and courses

23rd January 2004, 12:00am
A citizenship conference organised by Manchester education authority in collaboration with the Association for Citizenship Teaching will be held at the Radisson Hotel, near Manchester airport, February 25. Contact Will Ord, ACT professional officer,Tel: 020 7367 0510


The Citizenship Foundation is running training events for primary and secondary teachers: “Using philosophy for children strategies in the delivery of citizenship education” March 18; “From citizenship education to pupil participation”, March 19. There is also a course for advisers, senior managers and citizenship co-ordinators on March 26 - J“Managing citizenship in secondary schools: curriculum planning, assessment, inspection”.

Tel: 020 7367 0500.

Cloning, dirty ships to Teesside, windfarms, identity cards and choosing a baby’s gender are among the topics to be explored at a National Union of Teachers course on teaching science and citizenship to secondary students.

Part of its “teacherstogether” programme, it will be held at Stoke Rochford, near Grantham, Lincolnshire, March 3 and 4, with a follow-up on July 7. Individuals (or pairs) of secondary teachers are invited to apply.

Lead tutors are Ralph Levinson, Institute of Education, London, and Will Ord, Association for Citizenship Teaching. NUT members free; others pound;100. Accommodation is provided.Tel: 020 7380 4719Email:

The Personal Finance Education Group (pfeg) is hosting seminars on teaching financial literacy at nine venues across England, February 4 to May 26. The seminar will draw on the lessons learnt from Excellence and Access, a project which supported teachers in integrating personal finance education in the classroom. Headteachers, local education authority advisers and voluntary and community groups are welcome.

Tel: Wendy van den Hende, 020 7833 2184


Controversial biomedical issues will be explored by Citizen Science, a three-year programme run by the At Bristol science centre. Funded by the Wellcome Trust, it is aimed at students aged 11-19 and their teachers.

There will be 30 local and two national events each year year where science experts, ethicists, public bodies and government groups will join in teaching techniques such as drama, video conferencing, chat rooms and filming. Bristol University researchers will evaluate the project and the techniques found most effective will be shared in a series of professional development days.Tel: 0117 909


Many schools are being approached by organisations offering activities to support citizenship. QCA has published guidelines and a planning checklist to ensure working in partnership with such organisations fits in with the school’s own curriculum objectives.

QCA has also developed a glossary of key terms for citizenship at key stages 3 and 4. Aimed at teachers new to the subject, it will be added to on a regular

Case studies showing how different aspects of citizenship are taught in the classroom at key stages 2 and 3 can be found at: