‘Correctness’ is killing innocence

15th February 2002, 12:00am
What is the education system doing to our children? In a system saturated by political correctness, is our common sense in danger of drying up?

My colleagues all over the country are finding that it is not uncommon for primary pupils to talk with authority on “snogging”, oral sex and sexual intercourse. In a nation where sex is prevalent in all media and overflowing from our TV screens, efforts to moralise are futile and unfashionable.

Our education system is quick to illustrate how 14-year-old girls can put condoms on to plastic glue sticks, but seldom highlights the importance of marriage as a foundation for future relationships.

The fall-out from society’s fascination with sex and our educational system’s acceptance of the status quo is depriving youngsters of their childhood innocence.

Kevin Bullock, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk