Crying out for a break from Ofsted’s ‘overblown regime’

15th January 2010, 12:00am

Mike Kent’s column was an accurate critique of both Ofsted’s performance and the distrust it has engendered in the profession (“Time for Ofsted to get real”, January 8). I would like to offer an additional point based on 16 years as a “victim” and an observer of Ofsted.

Its major flaw, evident from inception, was an almost total lack of accountability. As Mr Kent observes, to make a complaint can take years and Ofsted knows this.

Given that no government, current or imminent, will have the vision or the bottle to disband Ofsted and replace it with an efficient system of school evalution, then two “improvements” come to mind:

1. Give schools the money for their inspection with a list of proven teams and let them choose.

2. At the end of each inspection, schools should be given a simple evaluation form which would cover the operation of the inspection. A “satisfactory” rating may not be good enough to allow the team to continue trading ...

Tony Roberts, Lancashire NAHT admin and membership secretary, Preston, Lancashire.