Descent into sign language

29th October 2004, 1:00am
The same conference also provided the plain-speaking people of Ulster with an opportunity to learn a little about how the English language is being used in the land of Shakespeare in modern times.

The speakers included Noyona Chanda, assistant director and, who has been head of the numeracy division at LLU+ at London South Bank University.

LLU used to be the name of the language and literacy unit but the outfit does other things too, such as numeracy, so it has been decreed that it should now be known only by its initials, with a plus sign at the end.

No doubt, the use of plus signs and unexplained initials is another example of what the intelligentsia, when its own grasp of English is shown to be lacking, excuses as an example of the “evolution of the language”.

Or is it just another example of poor literacy skills?

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