Deserving cases?

16th February 2001, 12:00am
DO all teachers deserve a pay rise?

I have worked as a private maths tutor - mainly GCSE and A-level preparation - for the past 12 years.

I am not the only tutor in the area so it is likely that a large proportion of every GCSE and A-level maths class in my town has a tutor. Most of my pupils get the grades they want - results for which schools claim credit.

My son is a skilled, qualified electrician with 10 years’ experence. My husband is a skilled, qualified plumbing and heating engineer with 35 years’ experience. Both provide essential services but earn less than a newly-qualified teacher.

There are many excellent teachers who deserve every penny, but when so many parents are having to pay for tuition it is obvious that many teachers are just not up to the job.

Christine Hooper

4 Fairfield Avenue Cheltenham, Gloustershire.