Diary - Find is real McCoy

18th September 2009, 1:00am

The healthy eating lobby are convinced that packed lunches aren’t what they used to be. And this was certainly the case for four-year-old Adam Brazier who opened a packet of salt and vinegar McCoy’s recently, only to find a whole potato inside.

His mother, Lucy, said the bag hadn’t felt any heavier than a normal bag of crisps and, to her dismay: “I looked and the potato was literally all that was in there.”

Poor Adam had to share his brother’s bag of crisps instead as his had been the last in the pack.

A spokesman for United Biscuits, which produces the brand, said: “We are sorry to hear of the complaint. As a responsible food manufacturer, we take the quality of our products extremely seriously and have stringent quality procedures in place.”

Perhaps next time they could include a peeler and a knife so he can make his own.