Disadvantaged must be part of digital future

4th March 2011, 12:00am

Isabel Nisbet’s vision of all examinations being computerised is one that should be embraced (“Pen and paper must go, says Ofqual head”, 25 February).

The digitisation of the education system has been under way for several years, and the opportunities afforded to children by IT to explore and interact with new issues are great.

But this won’t happen without strategic leadership. With over one million children living in households without internet access, and more than half of teachers believing that these children are seriously disadvantaged, there is a real danger that the move to online learning and examining will further disadvantage those already at risk of being left behind by the digital revolution.

The Government has committed itself to tackling inequality in our schools, yet there is an alarming lack of direction on digital technology and e-learning. Without action, the futures of the most disadvantaged children will be damaged still further, and the digital divide will continue to grow.

Valerie Thompson, Chief executive, e-Learning Foundation, London.