DTMusic - Resource of the week

Higgledy Piggledy Jazz
11th November 2011, 12:00am

What is it?

A trio of books on piano, alto saxophone and classical guitar, devised by classically trained, Russian-born music teacher Elena V Cobb. She made them to encourage children as young as seven to practise music at home after she discovered many give up when no one is there to help them.

How does this help?

With child-friendly titles such as Super Duck and I Ate All the Choc’late, the compositions are each made up of 12 bars, with each of the three chords in different colours so the children, when practising, know to repeat what they have learnt. The piano and alto saxophone books also come with CDs to encourage junior musicians.

What’s the feedback?

Sophie Freeman, music editor, teacher and jazz musician, says of the alto saxophone book: “I find this a great source for Grade 1-4 players. Try playing along to the tracks and improvising.”

For more information, go to www.evcmusicpublications.co.uk


An innovative approach to assemblies comes from bex333 - try using the music of Glenn Miller. And for an arty investigation, try ooee4‘s Kandinsky PowerPoint full of simple facts about his paintings and jazz.

For all threads and resources, visit www.tes.co.ukresources009.