Elusive awards

7th September 2001, 1:00am
Last September, I was promoted to a post in a new school which had been given a special achievement award. As a new member of staff, I was not eligible for part of this award. But I discovered that my old school also gained an award. I contacted the head to be told that, as more than 25 staff had left and not all were traceable, the governors had decided to make awards only to current staff. I know that the guidelines from the then Department for Education and Employment stated that having left employment should not be grounds for being left out of the award.

The old school received a good inspection report last autumn and the pastoral system I had operated was mentioned favourably. Can I, or should I, appeal the decision? Would the LEA have any say over the governors’ decision or am I just ruining my chance of a decent reference for the future? How many other readers are also left unrecognised by this loophole? I would welcome your advice.

(Name and address supplied)