Employers willing to help shape training

The CBI is absolutely right in that industry will pay for what it needs – what they neglect to mention is that it will also pay for what it has to have (FE Focus, July 30).
13th August 2010, 1:00am

Research about to be released by the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils has shown that employers’ key spending priorities for training over the next quarter will be leadership and management training, followed by health and safety - in other words, high-level skills and regulatory ones.

In our experience, though, employers are more than happy to step up and take a role in developing skills at lower and more basic levels, too. More than 3,500 employers were involved in the development of our diploma in sport and active leisure, which launches this September.

Their involvement was crucial to ensure this qualification produced the work-ready young people that UK industry needs to start pulling itself up by the bootstraps.

Stephen Studd, Chief executive, SkillsActive.