From the forums

18th May 2012, 1:00am

What should you do with the King James Bible from Michael Gove?

It is a remarkable, prosaic work. Brilliant for use of language study etc. Not sure what you would do with it in primary, though.


Depends on your faith. At the moment, mine is non-existent in Mr Gove, and unfortunately he can’t buy it with a Bible, so I’d use mine as a doorstop.


It is very sad how people have so little respect for materials that others deem sacred. Be it the Koran, the Torah or the Bible, I would never suggest something so important to people be used as a doorstop. Even for non-believers, it is a book and a beautiful piece of literature.


Prop up a wobbly table?


Read it? It is written in the most spine-tinglingly wonderful language.


Bask in the knowledge that your school will now be problem free.


I really don’t know, and while I understand that this has all been funded privately, I do wonder what else Mr Gove might have done instead that would have made a real difference in schools.


You’ll never know what use it is. What with the daily government “rubbish” to deal with and the time spent on TES forums, how does a teacher find the time to read “the most important book in English religion and culture”?


Use it for the children to swear on? Or do you wait for the flag to arrive, read the training manual for the ceremony and teach a kid to play the bugle? Go on, read me the bit where they get to the river and the waters part.

Jude Fawley

Send it back to him. Tell him you’ve already got one and next time he feels like sending a pressie, a Waterstones voucher would be nice.


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