Game, but not for a laugh

15th October 2004, 1:00am
Away from the bright lights of London, you have to make your own fun. At FErret’s home in darkest Suffolk, this means crouching on the back doorstep with Mrs FErret to watch the toad that lives in the garden or settling down to playing video games.

Before you dismiss the latter activity as childish, let me relieve you of your ignorance, dear reader.

The Learning and Skills Development Agency has published a report entitled The use of computer and video games for learning, which says they can develop the mind.

The LSDA, which compiled the report with Ultralab, a research centre at Anglia polytechic university, says: “Games are also useful for teaching scientific or mathematical concepts that may otherwise be hard to visualise or manipulate.” Like the LSC’s funding system, for example.