24th March 2000, 12:00am
GCSE PE FOR EDEXCEL. By Tony Scott. Heinemann Student Book pound;11.50. Teacher’s Resource File pound;39.99

EXAMINING PHYSICAL EDUCATION (AQASEG edition). By Kirk Bizley. Heinemann Student Book pound;11.99. Revision Book pound;5.99. Teacher’s Resource Pack pound;29.99

Practical activity is the starting point from which students build the knowledge and understanding that explains the theory underpinning performance.

The GCSE PE syllabuses are demanding and the depth of students’ knowledge is impressive. It’s certainly not an easy ride when students opt for these courses, but their sense of achievement at the end is immense. These books provide ideal resources for students and teachers. Both authors are chief examiners for their respective boards so their publications are tailor-made. Edexcel has a thorough science base to its work on performance, participation and training. AQA and SEG cover much of this at a slightly less detailed level with th additional unit on sport and society.

Tony Scott (Edexcel) offers a high quality text. The material is attractively presented and students will want to read more as soon as they pick it up. Forty four stimulating lessons and a guide to revision are a recipe for a successful course. The teacher’s resource file is excellent, combining comprehensive teaching notes, summary lesson plans and a wide range of worksheets. The file isn’t cheap but it’s worth it.

Kirk Bizley (AQASEG)‘s teacher’s resource pack fell apart in my hands, but then it is largely a series of worksheets for photocopying, and it is cheaper. On the plus side the student’s book is well set out and offers useful practical tasks to apply the theory. The sport and society section is an excellent account of the organisation of sport, history and sociology of sport and topical issues such as media coverage and sponsorship.

Colin Lee is a PE consultant