Have blackboard, will travel

10th November 2000, 12:00am
YOUR coverage of the Teachers in International Professional Development initiative (TES, October 27) was very welcome. I would just like to redress the balance.

The scheme is a structured learning programme, based on preparation and follow-up, which offers teachers the opportunity to enhance their professional capabilities through experiencing teaching in different countries.

It encourages the application of new ideas and systems of classroom management with an emphasis on strategic school improvement. Schools benefit from increased professional motivation following teachers’ participation in the programme.

On the question of suppl cover, and visits in holiday time; some supply cover is available, for primary and special schools with six teachers or less. Other schools may be able to access funding for supply through the Standards Fund provided that the theme chosen is a local authority priority.

In the case of two-week visits, schools are encouraged to make the trip in a combination of school and holiday time.

This programme of international visits is only available to teachers from schools in England at the moment.

Elspeth Cardy

Director, Outreach Services

Central Bureau

The British Council

10 Spring Gardens

London SW1A