
26th January 2001, 12:00am
Sara Bubb offers advice to students and NQTs

I am due to finish my training in July. My aim is to work in New Zealand for a couple of years or so. What effect will this have on my status as an NQT?

If you want to teach in England you have to complete the three-term induction period here, no matter how long it will have been since your initial training and however much experience you’ve gained.

The longer you leave it the harder induction will be to complete successfully - things change so quickly in education. Your time in New Zealand cannot count, though obviously the experience gained there will be useful, especially since the education systems are similar.

I don’t know what support you’d get as an NQT in New Zealand, but in England you get a 10 per cent lighter timetable than oher staff, access to courses and regular meetings, observations and feedback. Schools are now required to provide this for all NQTs and are funded so that they can do so.

For these reasons you might be better off delaying travelling and doing your induction as soon as you gain qualified teacher status. The first year of teaching will be tough wherever you are. Won’t it be harder to teach in a foreign country with a different curriculum? Having induction under your belt should also help you get a job since you can describe yourself as experienced. You will also be easing the teacher shortage by staying in this country for another year.

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