Innovation opens office door to disabled

4th May 2007, 1:00am

A leading disability charity has unveiled a centre which will offer work-related training to disabled people, writes Rosamond Hutt of the Press Association.

Breakthrough UK’s Innovation Centre will provide training in IT and office administration in Manchester.

Trainees will also have the chance to gain skills in retail through working at the charity’s second-hand shop.

Jackie Driver, head of employment strategy at the Disability Rights Commission, said: “The DRC strongly supports Break-through UK and would like to see more organisations like it. They practice what they preach and provide an environment where people can realise their potential.”

Breakthrough offers a range of services in Manchester and Liver-pool helping disabled people to find and stay in employment.

Lorraine Gradwell, chief executive of Breakthrough, said: “This is our 10th year of operation and the Innovation Centre is just one of the exciting projects that make sure we continue to lead the way in working with disabled people.”