‘It was a good show’ ‘Oh, no it wasn’t’

10th December 2004, 12:00am
THE BORROWERS. Citizens Theatre, Glasgow until December 31. tel 0141 429 0022

Fancy a laugh with Santa, Cinders and co? In their own words, children give a cheer for this season’s pantos

“The funniest bit was when the little Borrower went out to borrow something and got a huge fright from a human.

“The Borrowers have a film too, but I like the panto at the theatre better and I have been to tons.”

Eilish Stewart, 8

BABES IN THE WOOD Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline until December 26 tel 01383 314000

“It was really good! The dancing was the best, and the fairies.

“Panto is still good even if you are 13.

“The scene with the ladder was best, when the robbers climbed into the babes’ bedchamber and pulled that wee ladder up! That was very funny.”

Jane Ross, 13

“It was really nice.

“I didn’t like the baddies and when they tried to put the babes in the well and the tree was scary a bit and I think it will talk.”

Eva Runciman, 3

JACK AND THE BEANSTALK Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow until January 29 tel 0141 332 1846

“It was unbelievably funny. Even the same old jokes from every year make you laugh because they are all really silly.

“Jeanette Krankie is smaller than my little brother but she is brilliant.

“I was probably one of the oldest children there but I don’t think you ever get too old for pantomimes.”

Amy Wrethman, 13

“The funniest bit was when Jimmy Krankie jumped out of the biscuit tin. I liked that bit best of all.

“My mum didn’t laugh as much as I did though. I think she was fed up.”

Andrew Wrethman, 10

CINDERELLA Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock until December 31 tel 01563 537710

“I think that the panto is really good and it looked like they all put a really good effort into it.

“I liked the stepsisters the best. They were hilarious.”

Stephanie Stewart, 11

“I thought it was good but it would be better if the prince was not a woman.”

Aidan Crombie, 11

“I thought the panto was really good and my friends and I would like to see it again. The singing and music was the best.”

Lauren White, 11

“The panto was brilliant and there was a lot of effort put into it.

“I liked it because it was funny. The scene in the dark was really well done.”

Debra Craig, 11

SANTA’S BIG SURPRISE by the Singing Kettle Magnum Leisure Centre, Irvine touring to International Conference Centre, Edinburgh December 11-14 tel 0870 169 0100

Braehead Arena, Glasgow December 16-19 tel 0141 886 8300

City Hall, Perth December 23, 24 tel 01738 621031

Whitehall Theatre, Dundee December 27-29 tel 01382 434940

Albert Halls, Stirling December 30, 31 tel 01786 473544

“I liked Bonzo the dog best. He was rude, just like my dog at home.

“It was also nice singing ‘Jingle Bells’ and shouting at the two naughty boys who tried to eat the cake. We shouted ‘Don’t touch the cake’ as loud as we could.

“Then Santa jumped out of the kettle and put presents in the socks.”

Katrina Emma Waitzmann, 5

“I liked it but I was sleepy because I didn’t have my afternoon nap and Mummy said I could sleep in the car. I had some juice and sweeties and it was dark, with pretty lights. Then we went home.”

Hannah Waitzmann, 3

HOLLY AND IVY MacRobert, Stirling until December 24 tel 01786 466666

“It was great. There was a girl called Holly and my name is Holly. There were balloons and music and singing and I was singing and it was very funny.”

Holly Dingwall, 3