Jobs well done

15th September 2006, 1:00am
Who says advertising doesn’t pay? It was after seeing an advertisement for schoolbooks nearly three years ago in The TESS that Wishaw primary teacher Lynn Taylor decided she could probably do better, and sent off an unsolicited manuscript to Paisley-based publishers Hodder Gibson.

“I wasn’t aware that many publishers these days simply ignore such approaches and don’t even bother replying,” she confessed.

On this occasion, however, politeness - and perhaps an eye for a commercial opportunity - caught the publisher’s eye, and Mrs Taylor was eventually signed up for a three-book deal, along with two of her colleagues.

In a happy circumlocution, the books - Primary Practicals for CPD - are being published in association with our good selves and will be launched next week at the Scottish Learning Festival in Glasgow.

So as well as being present at the birth, as it were, we feel that we were around at the moment of conception as well. And hats off to our advertising department.