Jotter - It’s a bonus for LTS

13th March 2009, 12:00am

We note with interest - as they say in banking circles - that the recent timely conference on enterprise featured a session on “financial education and business links”, run by the Royal Bank of Scotland and Learning and Teaching Scotland.

“The workshop will outline the place of financial education in A Curriculum for Excellence and illustrate how new learning outcomes and experiences can be delivered.”

We commend LTS for teaming up with RBS - for if there’s one organisation that has to come to terms with new learning outcomes and experiences these days, it’s surely the RBS.

Triumph of science

Readers may well have been agitating over the fate of the custard at Trinity Academy in Edinburgh. This was the saucy substance used to highlight the Education Minister’s promotional campaign aimed at turning secondary pupils on to science (TESS, February 27). Well we can reveal, courtesy of the minister, that the custard met an unsticky, PC end: it was recycled as animal feed. But it prompted one Aberdeenshire head at the EIS heidies’ conference to wonder which part of the school budget had to lose out in order to pay for the custard.

Publicity coup

The esteemed Rudhach mag on Lewis made an unlikely appearance in the magisterial chambers of GTC Scotland last week. The reason was soon clear: the most recent issue of the publication, which keeps the people of the Point area in touch, has a cover shot of former registrar and native Matt MacIver to mark his receiving the CBE from HM at the palace. It seems Matt has taken to describing the paper as “the Hello magazine of Lewis”. We trust it has the royal seal of approval.

Such Finn-ess

Moving seamlessly on, Matt’s successor Tony Finn was pointing out to EIS heads and deputes at their conference that they should not aspire to be charismatic leaders - “a warning I once heard from a member of the inspectorate, who then spoke in a monotone for the rest of his talk to prove the point.”


Former heidie Jim Doherty, the MC at prof Brian Boyd’s retiral “do” last month, recalled how the heidie of St Stephen’s High in Port Glasgow in the early 1970s decided to act on growing corridor indiscipline.

He sent a missive around the staff, who included Jim and Brian, declaring that each teacher should escort their class at the end of every period to their next classroom and await the next teacher before moving on to teach their own class.

The problem was that some of the staff couldn’t understand why it didn’t work.