Justice comes before popularity;Letter

2nd July 1999, 1:00am
No one likes a whistle blower, especially those who have so much to lose. But can you imagine how daunting it must seem for an entire local authority and certain schools who, for some strange reason, have for so long thought - unlike the rest of us- that they can pass through life without the odd burst of criticism?

Chief inspector Chris Woodhead’s so-called “intemperate” approach, as reported by Geraldine Hackett (TES, June 18), might well be a godsend to parents who suffer from the nepotism and misplaced loyalty that some authorities and governing bodies display.

While I am sympathetic and understanding about the many issues facing educationists today, especially in relation to underfunding and class size, there is no excuse for schools who fail to co-operate with other professionals (and parents) dealing with such issues as special needs and bullying.

Parents are quite often resorting to other alternatives and the voluntary sector often provides the only contact from whom parents can get real support. Parents need people like Chris Woodhead who puts justice before his own popularity.

Celia Moore

47 Chyvelah Ope


