Keep on looking to the future

1st October 2004, 1:00am
Newly qualified teachers around the country seem to be telling us that first teaching posts are hard to come by - even in the capital, traditionally the easiest place to land a new job.

But don’t despair. In his “Jobwatch” column (page 5) this month, John Howson’s analysis of the job market shows that there are better times ahead for job-hunting NQTs - and particularly those interested in promotion prospects over the next few years.

If you have a child in your class who won’t do a stroke of work (if not, you’re definitely in the minority), then don’t miss Sue Cowley’s teaching clinic on page 8. And when your pupils have knuckled down, you might find time to a catch a school classic, courtesy of our film offer (page 12).

And there’s a lot more besides in this October issue, so read on. As always, keep us updated on your progress and write to us with any problems or special requests.

Fiona Flynn: editor (Email: